A little trick I learned this weekend at Blogshop. A class I took to learn new fun designy things.
How cute is my baby?
ps. I do have fun shoots to share with you (besides images of novs)..PROMISE. Hang tight.
A little trick I learned this weekend at Blogshop. A class I took to learn new fun designy things.
How cute is my baby?
ps. I do have fun shoots to share with you (besides images of novs)..PROMISE. Hang tight.
When I think about what I will miss most about her first year...it's always the day to day things. The way she looks crawling into our bedroom. The snuggle time in bed. The "normal" stuff that we often overlook as the magic. But when we look back in our memories it's all the normal stuff that makes the magic. So I gave myself a personal project for her 11 month photoshoot, to document a day, unaltered, unposed. Just us being us.
I didn't clean up. I didn't take off my bathrobe until 1pm. It wasn't the most exciting or photogenic day. The light wasn't always perfect...the shots not all worthy of "oohs and ahhs". But to me they are just as they should be...REAL.
Thanks to Grant for partnering with me on this. I do spend a lot of my day with her on my hip and am so grateful that Grant could capture her and I together.
So here it is, a day with Nova on her 11 month birthday:
You like to look out the window first thing when you wake up.
Dad changes your morning diaper.
Pretty much how we sleep all night long together.
Hey world, I'm 11 months old!
I love when you throw your neck back like this. Like you are too relaxed to keep your head upright.
I never knew I would have a baby that likes stuffed animals so much. You LOVE them.
Always crawling with something in your right hand.
Trying your first green smoothie. Nom noms?
*this face*
Your new trick is to tear everything off your shelves. This is my favorite photo from this post.
Feed to sleep...
"Mom!! I don't like napping! I want to stay up with you and Dad!!"
..Fine. We'll read a book.
You hang on my leg constantly. You would always prefer to be in my arms than on your own.
Our happy place.
Lamby, we bought for you in New Zealand.
Getting dressed is kind of the worst.
...it's just so sad.
Happy tears.
Finally asleep. Bum in the air. (You are a light sleeper, so taking this photo was extremely dangerous).
This is what we do when you're asleep...(and a little work).
Awake and the cutest thing we ever did see.
Relaxing with mama as I wake up.
One of us sits next to you most of the time while we are in the car. 1st child luxuries.
Meeting Mom's cousins on Balboa island for my first frozen banana.
Walking , walking, walking. I just want help walking on my own two feet 24/7.
Pushing around the side table as a walker, sans one moccasin.
Let me in that bathroom!
Bathtime with one of us (always...another 1st child luxury). Don't worry Grant is wearing swim trunks.
Is there anything better in the world than wet baby eyelashes?
Dry off, lotion up, diaper, and one last drink before bedtime. (You're welcome for that bum shot).
In your crib until your next wake when we gobble you up in bed with us. Until then we'll miss you...serious.
Have we really almost made it a year?
I can tell you are ready...ready to be bigger.
...Except when you let me hold you like a little baby and sing to you and coo at you while wrapped in your favorite pink blanket.
You want to feed yourself. No more of that mushy spoon fed stuff. You want pieces you can pick up w your own fingers.
You can eat parts of anything we eat and that makes meal time so much easier. You are still partial to avocado, cheese, bread..basically anything you can feed yourself.
You talk and breastfeed at the same time. Sometimes I catch you giggling too.
The other night we were winding down singing songs in your room and while we were cheek to cheek you turned & kissed me on my lips.
Everything is your own personal walker. Side tables, chairs, anything that slides on the concrete floors.
You got a plastic car/walker/seat/music player thing from Gma and Gpa Thurston that you push around on the slippery concrete like a boss.
Your independence is growing & I'm trying to wrap my mind around it. I know its necessary & good but I can't help but feel a tiny bit sad about it. Maybe sad is the wrong word...mourning the moving on maybe..
Your hair is getting longer and looking blonder. You have crazy bed head when you wake up.
Your eyelashes are so long and luscious.
Your front top teeth have broken through and are working their way down.
You play peekaboo with anything. A curtain, a blanket, a toy. Today in the car you used my hand.
Definitely ticklish under your armpits. Laughs every time.
You want us to hold your hands and walk you around everywhere. You walk towards one of us with the biggest silliest grin on your face.
You are finally over double your birth weight. To me you are the perfect size.
Ma ma ma ma when you are tired or hungry or sad or hurt or needy.
Da da da da da when you don't want to nap!
We have been calling you Nuh nuhs, pickle, nutty, my little chicken, do dos, zuzus, Nutty...and when we really mean it, Nova or Novs.
We have caught you going from sitting to standing without holding on to anything. Very impressive.
We have also caught you wrestling and snuggling with your giant stuffed bear when no one is watching. You will burrow your face in his belly and roll all over him. A-DOR-A-BLE.
You love to hand us stuff..and then take it back. You also love feeding me stuff. Hilarious when mom eats out of your hand.
Sometimes when you have had enough or aren't sure what you want you will cross your arms and uncross them and then cross them again.
You love getting into everything--in fact, you can’t play in the office as much anymore because you are very busy and you can definitely be anywhere you want to be by crawling, standing, or climbing.
You love music..you dance and sometimes when the music is on, you want to stand in front of the speakers and “watch it”.
Yo gabba gabba transfixes you. You have only watched it a few times so everyone chill!!
We have to watch that you don’t drop heavy things on yourself now because you can lift or pull amazing amounts of weight from shelves and drawers, you’re just not sure how to put them down yet.
Love the birds (crows) that come cawing at dusk each day. You hear them and look for them so we take you outside and you love to see them fly and perch on the power lines.
I swear you call birds "Ca's".
You babble a lot but we still aren't really sure what words you for sure know. Mama and Dada seem pretty solid though.
You just got a big girl carseat and we finally bought a Bob jogging stroller. You were strollerless for 2+months. Which was fine..we love toting you in the carrier but I think you will be more comfy in the stroller for long walks.
So one more month until you are one. Hard to believe. There are so many projects I want to do to celebrate and remember your first year. But mainly the most important thing I want to do is watch you. I don't want to miss noticing anything. Your Dad and I were discussing if we thought we had given you enough undividided attention your first year...had we looked enough at you? Had we spent good quailty time with you? Happily the answer was YES. This was something I knew I would regret more than anything...not really being present for you in the way that I wanted to be. I am happy to say I have no regrets in that department. I haven't been perfect. Days spent away from you for shoots have damn near killed me. They have been few and far between but those days are long for both of us...and afterwards I have to always ask myself if those days I am away take something away from you that I can't give back. Finding the balance has been the main topic in our home..and I am guessing will be maybe forever. What I do know is we are close as close can be. For everyday I am away from you I give myself at least one full day of only you and I time to fill in the missing spots. You and I and Dad are making it work. Truth be told I am feeling like if we could make it past year 1 of baby 1 we can make through any year!! Throw a few more kids in the mix..no big deal! (right?!)
You encompass every thought I have and every decision I make. You are the sun the rest of us revolve around.
Let's celebrate every tiny moment we have this month growing together and every growing moment after that as well...forever.
Inspired By This featured Laura and Haoqi's Wedding on their blog today! Thank you Leila and Lauren for featuring my work!
Go here to see more.
And thank you to all the amazing vendors who made this wedding such a great one to photograph:
I had an idea for our family. A tradition of having a painted piece of art of each of the homes we live in. So this year I commissioned talented artist Lisa Crosby to paint her rendition of our first home together, The Little Blue House.
I wrapped it up and Grant opened it on Christmas morning. He loved it and so do I.
Don't you think this will be a fun tradition? I can already see a wall covered in paintings of the places we call home.
Thank you Lisa. The painting was more than perfect. I'm not sure how you captured lil' blues essence so perfectly. You are so talented.
If you are interested in commissioning Lisa contact her @ crosby.lisa@gmail.com.
I thought it was really sweet that Carol wanted a separate little shoot highlighting some of the traditional jewelry her mom gave her as a wedding gift. How gorgeous is it?
I love when couples incorporate elements into their weddings that really mean something to them.
Pretty window light and "a reason why" is all you need to keep this photographer happy.
Yep. These two were wed the day before and then met up with me for a few more photos around the Rock's District of Sydney.
It was kind of nice. Usually I am so sad leaving weddings..wondering if and when I will see my couple again but this time no sad goodbyes! Just see you tomorrow's. I like prolonging goodbyes as long as possible.
More of these two this week!
We had an early Christmas with Grant's side of the family here in California before flying to Utah Christmas Eve to spend a few days with my side. I didn't shoot a whole lot while we were in SLC...was just enjoying the down time and looking at my daughter with my eyeballs and not through glass. Here are some shots of our favorite leading lady's 1st Christmas:
The loot.
She didn't even hesitate...She knew which pile was hers!
This was her reaction to the wonder of Christmas presents. Priceless. We couldn't have staged it anymore perfect.
Eat that baby!!
Proof she has parents.
Thanks to Grant and Anna for catching some candid moments of me with Nov's. I never get these!! And I really love this one. I am constantly kissing her neck and I think this is our only photo of me doing it.
As children we deemed the "FC" (favorite child) to the person who got the tears from Mom with their Christmas gift to her. This year Anna won with a churchy gift that my mom obviously loved. Anna: FC.
We had Kate and Jake this year, so I whipped up a simple wedding album for them.
Had to bring these from CA...for peppermint joe joe shakes!!
These 2 images are my favorites from Christmas. She was obsessed with the tree and spent hours staring at it and pulling at it. Look at that face. I made that.
...oh, she also liked crawling underneath it. Once she did she was kind of confused on how to get out.
Playing in the dirtiest corners..always.
Love this shot. Thanks to whoever snapped it. She is almost always within an arms reach of me.
Under the tree once last time before bed.
Family photo of us doing what we do at my mom's...chillin hard. Watching some-sort of video on our phone and just enjoying our time off.
We had a great Christmas and we hope you did too. Christmas is different once you are an adult...but then once you have kids the magic is back in full force. I loved buying her presents so much and she would have been happy with one new sippy cup. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her with a puppy that barks and walker she can push...we also bought her the Shirley Temple movies, which were my favorites from childhood. I hope she loves them too.
Gosh, love my little family so much. xo.
Remember my drop dead gorgeous couple from circa 2010 Boston? Well, Mara wore a JCrew wedding dress and some of my images are on JCrew.com. Read a little of their love story here.
And speaking of love...Mara and Danny have started a blog all about love, www.ablogaboutlove.com. It is pretty amazing. Honest and open and hits you strait in the heart.
Thanks to JCrew for featuring my images on their site and thanks to Mara and Danny for having me photograph their wedding day. It was one of my favorites.
Ceremony at the Newport Beach Temple, Reception at a private residence on Balboa Island....they said their goodbyes and waved goodbye from their get-away boat...but they secretly met back up with me for a few more photos on Balboa! Ice cream and frozen bananas in hand, the day officially wrapped. Every wedding should end with a surprise get-away and secret meet up with the photographer to steal more shots with the best light of the day.
Such a great couple. Both from such amazing, generous families AND I shot this wedding in 4hrs flat. I was home by 5:30pm. Best ever.
Happy marriage you two! Thank you for letting me third wheel with you guys during your first day as husband and wife.
These two crazies are getting married next weekend!! I will be there to photograph every single move they make (not unlike a song sung by Sting).
They are fun (and pretty) and this 30min shoot at Seal Beach is proof.
I have been meaning to find the time to post this other amazing feature that we had...San Francisco Bride's Magazine published images from Erin and Tyler's wedding. How awesome is that? (They even quoted me!) Erin and Tyler had a grogeous wedding planned by the talented Heather of Amorology.
I just love the opportunity I have to work with so many talented people. Thank you to SF Brides for featuring my work!
What a way to start the year!! Project Wedding featured Amanda and Tommy's Wedding on their website and blog today!! Thank you Project Wedding for featuring my work!
Here's to another year of shooting fabulous weddings!
You can see the feature at any one of these links:
...and this is only what I actually blogged. I still have more 2011 images yet to come.
The interesting thing about this year was I only worked half of it...June through December. Those 7 short months were so amazing for my business that Grant joined up with me. In 2011 the word "family" took on a whole new meaning for us.
I was tempted to only show one image..which wraps up the whole year for me..one of my sweet Nova. Really she was the focus, the center, the star. BUT then I realized without the trust and work my amazing clients give me, we wouldn't be in the same situation , we wouldn't be able to focus so much on what really matters the most to us.
So from the bottom of this new mothers heart, thank you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your celebrations and challanges and newness...and thank you for being a part of mine.
My prices have been raised for 2012. My time is more precious and my family more needy. I will only take select weddings and commercial jobs. I want to give only my best to my sweet clients and to my family. I am so exited at the new opportunities I'm sure await me in 2012. The new relationships, the new images I will create and the new changes for my family.
I have so many amazing ideas swirling in my head. Ideas that 2012 will bring to the surface.
Happy New Years!!
Love, Rachel, Grant and Nova
Benny is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We call ourselves the "Truth Seekers". We love to stay up all night and analyze love and light and heartache and any and every questions under the sun. I consider him a brother and I am his sister. When we stayed with him in his NYC apartment he gave up his bedroom for our crazy trio. He would do anything for me, Grant and Nova. I would do anything for him. He is without a doubt one of my true loves. We have been friends since we were 9yrs old. He lived across the street from me and we would meet in the middle and lay on the warm asphalt of summer and talk about growing pains. My life is fuller and richer because of him.
Here he is with his Malan. These two are an amazing couple. AND amazing uncles to our sweet Nova. One night while I was taking a break in the shower I could hear Grant, Benny and Malan playing with her and I could hear her giggling and chatting away..so I stayed in the shower a few minutes longer.
I love both of you. Thank you for the amazing weekend in the city. You are both my "pipocas".
("just because" photos taken on the highline park. Have you been there? Amazing.)
I was pregnant with you for 10 months and now you have been breathing air for 10 month. 20 months of living.
How can so much personality be wrapped up in one little nutty baby?
As you near one year of age I find myself clinging on to every single detail I can find that tells me you are still a baby.
One of those details is..you love to be held. As much as possible.
This could be for a number of reasons..one being you have started getting a little separation anxiety. I didn't know it was even possible but you are getting more attached to your Mama. You pull on my leg asking to be lifted. If I walk out to the office you will sometimes cry or bang on the front door until I come back inside.
They say babies don't know they are a seperate person from their moms until around 1yr. I can see you figuring out you're an individual but needing to make sure I am still really nearby.
With all the travelling you have done in the past few months it makes sense that you are a little needier at bedtime. You like to be fed or rocked to sleep.
We try to not have your sleep patterns be our only topic of conversation but it's hard.
We wrap you up in your pink blanky and rock and feed on the blue rocker...and then if we need help, Dad will come in and bounce on the ball with you until you are out cold. We lay you in your crib and you sleep like an angel. Today you napped for almost 3hrs strait.
Needless to say we spend a lot of time staring at your sleeping face. More times than not we can't help ourselves but to give you a little kiss on your slumbering lips.
We both have neck and back pain due to our tireless soothing. This may be why we are disfigured when your older. Just want you to know.
You are pushing tables, stools, and chairs, anything that will slide around the room, as if they are walkers. It's adorable..and sometimes makes a terrible noise
You can walk around and stand up against anything now.
Yesterday you stood on your own for 7seconds.
You see other kiddos walking and I can see it in your eyes..jealousy. Soon enough baby. Soon enough.
You started clapping! If anyone cheers or if you hear clapping you give us a big toothy grin, bounce and clap along. If one of your hands is already in use (while eating, or holding a toy) but you still must clap, you will clap against your stomach or the side of your face.
You also started waving. We wave ni-nights to dad before we go in your room or when one of us has to leave. Sometimes it is a delayed reaction wave that doesn't happen until we are already out of sight.
You are our big eater!! Carrots, avocado, blueberries, apples, puffs, yogurt melts..veggies and fruit galore. It's amazing to be able to sit at the table as a family and all eat together. This means your dad and I are actually fixing meals again and eating at the same time. You can pick things up with your little fingers and place them in your own mouth. We are so proud of you.
You also don't mind sour foods. Lemon wedge..no big deal. Grapefuit juice, yes please. You're so hardcore.
I love watching your little pointer finger explore all the little things..A crumb on the floor, a stain on my shirt, an eye on a stuffed animal. We are constantly amazing at your hand coordination. We didn't teach you these things!! You just knew.
You talk so much now. We are pretty sure your first word was ma-ma. If you want me or food, you definitely say "ma" or "mum" or "mama". When that happens you get whatever you want immediately. heart-melt.
When you wake up in the morning the first sound you usually make is "Baa" (your favorite sound). You lay in my arms and tell me about your dreams. Then once you are awake enough you proceed to conquer me and dad.
"Conquering" is when you climb up on something higher than you and pound on the conquered item and you shriek and bounce. Usually it is on top of our heads..but sometimes it is a wall or a cushion. But usually climbing on top of us and pounding on us HARD.
You love to climb. One time dad looked down from doing dishes and you were standing in the dishwasher. Once we found you standing on the fireplace trying to climb the rocks. You have climbed onto the couch a couple times too.
You also started backing yourself off of things when you want to get down...stairs, beds, chairs, couches. It's awesome but scary.
When you crawl you almost always have a toy in your right hand as you crawl around. Usually a small plastic animal or your bath-time octopus.
You have been into the pantry the last couple of weeks and love crawling around with bags of dried pasta or rice. That rice bag is heavy..but you want to lug it around as you crawl..every once in a while pulling the 20lb bag up to your mouth so you can suck on it. What are you? She-ra?
The amount of twisting and squirming you do while having your diaper changed or clothes put on is out of control. We've actually resorted to performing musical numbers while we change you so you are stunned long enough to hold still. If I change you, dad usually sings and dances to a rendition of "luck be a lady tonight". If dad changes you, I usually sing some mashup with made up lyrics to Christmas melodies. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
Your 1st Christmas!!
You are really not that into the tree..although everything starts about halfway up.
Sorry about the mini gift on your head for the photoshoot. I had an idea, went with it. Not my proudest moment but I do have to say you look like a little who from whoville which is stinking adorable...so it wasn't a complete mom fail.
You screamed in Santa's lap (for the photo of course).
You had 2 late-overs with Winston this month so the parents could take turns going to the movies.
We haven't used the stroller once this month. Not once. You get bigger and we use the stroller less. SO much easier to carry you than to lug a stroller around.
New York City..Brilliant without a stroller.
You went to mama's favorite city for the first time! You loved it...but it might have been because Uncle Benny was so fun and let you in the MET while it was closed on a Monday. Lucky baby!
After last month's marathon travels and plane rides to Aus, NZ and New York...we have decided to never go on a flight over 2hrs with you again. Not because you were hard, you were awesome...we just went a little crazy. We are all better now but are super glad the flight tomorrow to Utah is only 2hrs and we get to fly out of Long Beach airport, our favorite.
Favorite toys: Baby doll holding strong, old cell phones, noah's ark toys, anything stuffed, bag of rice, gate blocking the master bathroom, the "my family" book, my light meter, a roll of 12o film still in the plastic wrapping.
I want to re-commit myself to photographing more of the everyday moments. I have to make time for that. It is a top priority.
We put a sponge curler in your hair for the first time. It was the cutest thing that has ever happened to us.
We lit your first fire. You loved it.
You are forming all sorts of new expressions and ticks...gritty face, grinding your gums (probs because of teething), tipping your head from side to side..
You are becoming a little girl so full of wonder and expression and imagination.
You play so well with others and by yourself.
If you hear another baby crying you are always so concerned and we have to talk to you about what is happening and how it will be OK.
You are complete joy and absolute perfection. We couldn't love you more. We cherish every last inch of you. I am so proud of the loving, aware, sensitive soul you are. I love how close you want to stay to your dad and me. I hope that never changes. When you throw you little arms around my neck and burrow your face in my shoulder or face I have never been happier. At the Thanksgiving table when we all went around and said what we were most thankful for, when it came to me I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my face as I said, "It's been the best year of my life"...and I mean it.
My sweetest baby. You have made this the best, most fulling year of my life. Merry Christmas little one.
Wishing everyone a delightful week with friends and family celebrating however you celebrate.
We head to Salt Lake City tomorrow to be festive with my side of the family. Being a parent this year for Christmas is the best....although I am hoping Grandma and Grandpa Thurston will babysit while we escape to a movie theater.
We are excited for Nova's 1st Christmas. Lets hope she doesn't consume too much wrapping paper.
Safe travels everyone and Happy Holidays.
(anyone else closet Ren & Stimpy fans?)
My job is so cool.
I am shooting this couples wedding in Maui this coming summer....BUT they live in Byron Bay and the timing was perfect when I was over on that side of the world for a wedding and I popped on over for a day trip to shoot these.
It was maybe the longest day of my life. Woke up in Sydney, got ready, feed baby, took the wrong train to airport, barely made my flight, flew to Gold Coast airport, was picked up by Mel, Dave and Miss D and spent an hour with them as they drove me to Bryon, had a quick 3min photoshoot in a parking lot with them, met up with Caitlin and Loren and then proceeded to have one of my funnest shoots to date. Wanted to marry both of them, WIND, grabbed waters and coconut juice, raced to the Ballina airport, barely made my flight, landed in Sydney, took bus to international terminal, reunited with my Grant and Nova (who while I was shooting packed our bags, did laundry, checked out of hotel and got to the airport all sans mom), ate delicious airport food (not really), boarded a flight to New Zealand, took off over an hour late, most turbulence on a flight I had ever been on, landed in Christchurch around 1am, shuttled to hotel...3am tucked in bed and ASLEEP!
You know what? It was worth it. That day kicked my butt but Caitlin and Loren were a treat to photograph. I only wish their wedding was happening tomorrow so I could hang out with them again sooner.
Who doesn't want to be published in a Chinese magazine?
Remember these interiors I shot of this amazeballs house? Apparently the designer Julie Maigret is all the rage in China.
So now I get to see my name next to Chinese characters of my name. And I like that. A lot.
This was my first time to New Orleans and my first time staying in the French Quarter. Can I just say...LOVE? Oak Trees became my new favorite. My obsession with graveyards was taken to a whole new level. The people were lovely and kind. Character and storytelling was everywhere...and the food. Oh my. The food.
On top of all of that, there was this magnificent couple who loved that city so much they planned a destination wedding..so they could be in their favorite city with their favorite people. And I was the lucky photographer who got to document the whole she-bang.
I know for some locals it might be totally cliche..but during the 2nd line (where you march through the streets of the French Quarter after the ceremony), I turned to Whitney and yelled (because it was so loud), "This is one of the best moments I have ever photographed at a wedding". I was so in the moment. The music, the energy, the laughing and dancing and the HAPPINESS. It was infectious.
A huge thank you to Nick and Whitney for trusting me with this day. Now lets plan a yearly renewal of vows so there are plenty of reasons to go back again and again and eat to our hearts content.
Finally got to shoot on my ivy wall before the color went.
My goal is to have a family just like this in about 5yrs.