
I know I know..I haven't been blogging much lately and then when I do I post photos of myself! I couldn't resist sharing. It is a rare occasion that I hire another professional to shoot us and when Yan agreed to come with her camera, I was happy. Really happy.

We have to move in 2 short months and we knew we needed some photos of us in our space before we headed off on our next adventure. I can't believe we are leaving this space we love so much. The only thing holding me together is the fact that I get to take these two with me. I love being a wife. I love being a mom.

I feel pretty cheesy posting photos of me here on my blog...but since it is in part a journal of my life I decided it was OK to have me be a part of that on occasion.

Big THANK YOU to Diana for creating these stunning images for us. She stepped into our home and a few hours later was snuggled in our guest room for a sleepover. I immediately felt like she was an old friend. An amazing person and an amazing photographer. We love you Yan. Head over to her blog to read the embarrassing things she wrote about us and see more of the images she shot. You won't regret it.

(I secretly love that she called us the "Thurston Family". Multiple last names mean that sometimes I am Mrs. Porter and sometimes Grant is Mr. Thurston. It's fun.)

1 Year


You are actually 13months old now.

Truth is I had a hard time making myself believe it could actually be time to talk about you being One.

The above combo shows you one week old and one year old. I have had this photo vision ever since I took that first photo of you 12months ago.

There is one word to describe what is is like to be the mother of a one year old..."incredible."

The fact that your dad and I helped you survive a whole year arms me with ammunition for the years ahead of us. I KNOW we can do it.

We had a super fun birthday party for you with homemade ice cream and all of your favorite people. Everyone wants a little piece of the Super Nova.


Yes you are. You took your first few steps a few weeks before your birthday and then just this last Thursday you went from majority crawling to majority walking.

You are so brilliant! How did you figure it out? How do you figure anything out? You observe, remember and act. It's so inspiring. You don't sit around thinking, "I could never do that, looks way too hard..." You just try and try again and keep trying until you've mastered it. Never feeling like you aren't good enough. Never feeling like a failure. And why would you? Everyday you conquer something new. Lesson learned for your Mama.

You have so much energy.  You want to be moving all the time now.

You have also found your voice. By that I guess I mean your sound. Girl, you can be loud REAL loud when you want to. Laughing, crying, asking, complaining...and the other day you sat facing the window letting out rebel yells for no apparent reason. Not upset...just testing out the vocal chords.

I love love love seeing your strong will come out. You know what you want and when you want it. And you have figured out a way to ask for it.

These monthly updates used to be filled with so much simple talk...and now I feel like I need to explain scientific equations in order to express all of the intricite details of your mind.

You are full of wonder and questions and feelings. You are full. You could never be empty.

I think the reason you are so happy is because you are so full.

Even while your teeth come in and you fall and experience frustrations for the first time, you are still full of joy. Your eyes tell me this.

How does a 1yr old know exactlly what she wants?

When you wake up from a nap and we go and pick you up out of your crib you immediately start pointing and telling us about all the things you have been looking at in your room. Favorites include, the framed picture of Dad as a baby, your teething gel tubes, photos of you and mom and of course your mobile. You love your mobile.

I also love how you have to pick up your pink blanket and bunny from the crib before you will leave it. Leave no one behind act.

Speaking of sleeping, a couple weeks before your birthday you started sleeping through the night. On your own. No sleep training. No crying for hours alone in your crib. You were just ready. You didn't want to be held to sleep anymore. I feed you before bedtimes and then we lay you down in your crib. You fuss for a few minutes but then settle into dreamland for a good 11-12hrs. Our backs and sore necks are starting to feel better from 12months of holding and rocking and loving you to sleep. I know I should be super crazy excited about sleeping so long every night now...but the truth is, I miss you. I wanted you to sleep with us for so much longer.

Because of this new sleeping arrangement I experience a lot less anxiety about bedtime. I can actually relax at nights now.

Your cute hair hangs down in your eyes and I am constantly sweeping your bangs off your forehead.

You are definitely a social laugher. If anyone laughs it's your cue to join in.

You are so silly! You love to tell us jokes with your food and your faces and your silly tricks. And then laugh at yourself and egg us on with playful head tilts and big belly smiles.

I am starting to see so much more of me in you. The will and the big wide smile. The opinions and the jokes.

I am also starting to see so much more of your independence from me and your Dad. At the park you will walk super far away from us without turning around, asking if it's OK to venture further.

You are confident and strong. This is all I want I for you.

Still our little bean weighing in at a whopping 19lbs for your 1yr checkup.

I think you burn off all your calories by trying to climb everything in site. The blue chair in the corner, the couch, the beds...we have even found you standing on top of your tables and toys! Not safe! (But impressive nonetheless).

Your arm strength is amazing.

The arm strength coupled with the fiesty spirit has landed a couple whacks on my face..but the second we say "soft" you start gently stroking me.

Time to eat with Mom means pulling down or up my shirt or generally attacking me anywhere on my body. GIVE ME MY MILK. Then you transform into my little calm, simple baby. The only thoughts while you are nursing are, "milk is my favorite, this is comfortable...and why is Mom staring at me?" Sometimes you will pull your blanket over your head for privacy. Sorry for interrupting Novs! Let me know when I can have my body back! (never I hope).

You mimic the sound of birds and dogs and will randomly wander around the house yelling for "Graa" or "Daa"! I wonder where you learned that?

Nothing makes you giggle more than being chased.

Kisses!! You give kisses on demand now. Especially while we are all cuddling in bed together in the morning. Sometimes I get 10 slobbery open mouth kisses in a row! I can't tell you how much I adore those kisses.

Novs, noodle, nuh nuh, pickle, nutty's, zuzus..and of course nutz.

Dance parties anytime music is playing. We got to get you a fake ID so you can go clubbing.

Sometimes when we’re eating you like to wag your head back and forth like you’re rocking out and having the time of your life.  But, actually, not just when you’re eating, you like to do this with a huge grin whenever you’re high on life.

You are still kind of a picky eater with solids but you eat just about everything. We don't eat a lot of animal flesh so you have had any of that yet. Strawberries are a new favorite and pasta of any kind is still in first place. Oh, and you love curry!

You like to always be holding something in at least one of your hands. Or your mouth. Lately you have taken to walking around with the teething gel tube between your teeth like you are a wild animal.

In your first year you have travelled to Arizona, Utah, Las Vegas, Maui, Boston, New Orleans, Australia, New Zealand and New York City. Sorry you won't remember any of that. Just know it was really awesome and really exhausting.

You are not afraid of change.  Sure, you like your routines for bedtime and feeding but you love new adventures.

You barely even shrug if a big mean scary dog barks at you. You just assume everyone and everything is friendly and means well.

Your dad and I left you overnight for the first time with Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Hugh. We stayed a night in Laguna Beach celebrating our 3rd anniversary. I typed out a 2 page document detailing how you like life. We were gone a total of 19hrs. The first few were rough but after I knew you had slept all the way through the night (and the fact that you were only 20mins away) I was able enjoy some alone time with Dad. Thanks for letting us do that.

So I guess it is time to start another year with you. Time for you to become a toddler. Time for you to learn more words and express your thoughts more clearly than you already do. Time to box away some of your baby clothes and buy you more shoes. Time to celebrate our first year with you...but more important than that look forward to all the years we have ahead of us together. All the growing and changing and loving deeper and better. We get the chance for all of that.

My promise to you is to try my hardest to make the most of everyday with you. Even the boring days when laundry has to be washed and computer time has to be had. I promise to try my hardest to never take you for granted. To never forget your dependence on me and my dependence on you. I promise to keep my end of the bargain when you choose me for your Mom. I promise I will make a lot of mistakes. I promise to forgive you if you'll forgive me. I promise to tell you everyday I can how much I love and adore you. To squeeze you and kiss you and tell you why I am so happy to have you.

I promise to keep taking photos of you, post more videos of you and take time away from cameras to just be in the moment with you.

I promise to let you be whatever you are.. not wishing you were anything else...just wanting you to be you. 100% you. With the fullness and the joy and the loud opinions and the big toothy grin.

I promise to even laugh at your jokes once you have enough words to tell them.

Happy first year baby girl. I am so proud of you.

xxoo- Mom


2012 Lookbook

I am so excited about my new lookbook for clients...I don't even care that I am sharing snippets of it shot with an iphone of my computer screen! Even though the images are sub-par I think you can get a feel for the colorful crazy circus of love.

I have so many more fun packaging and clients gifts I am putting together right now. I just want the presentation to be worthy of the images.

Hope everyone is having a great week. I am. I work a little, mom a lot and this week in particular I am just content with the pace we have going. Life is good.

Dave + Danielle

You may have needed to put on a pair of sunglasses for these. I have been wanting to play with colored gels for awhile...and not subtly. Go big or go home. I wanted color and LOTS of it. This was so much fun for me (and I think for them). I mixed and matched my effects while I was shooting and created some candy colored gems. For some of you this amount of color may have you running for the bathroom screaming "My eyes!! My eyes!!"...but for me this amount of color makes me want to tuck a few prints under my pillow and dream sweet dreams.

Doesn't hurt that these two super-modeled it up. Shooting their wedding day in May. EXCITED.

Happy 3 Years

Doesn't seem all that long ago that we took these silly imac photos...but it was over 5yrs ago!

Truth is, it feels like we have been together way longer than that.

Happy Anniversary love.


In celebration of our anniversary Grant and I are celebrating today,  I am offering a special 30% off sale on all print orders & products!

This sale begins today (March 7th) and goes until Friday at midnight (March 9th 11:59pm PST).

You can find most of your images here:

If you had an event I photographed that wasn't posted on instaproofs, you can still get the 30% off. All I will need is, the approx session date, image numbers and sizes emailed to me (just respond to this email).

Again, this sale includes not only print orders but also products like disc of images, sets of proofs & albums. This type of sale including products rarely happens so take advantage of the sale while you can.  This sale ends Friday, March 9th (11:59PM PST).  Please note all orders must be recieved by Friday, March 9th to recieve this discount!  There will be no exceptions so plan accordingly!

If you have any questions in regards to your event or this sale, simply respond to this email or you can reach me by phone at 949.939.3697

The Wise Family

Being around this family makes you think to yourself, "I want to have a lot of kids and a lot of grandkids".

It's loud. It's crazy. It's happy. It's perfect.

You should see the the clown I become when trying to get faces and smiles...especially in the large group shot. But it worked! All of those munchkins eyes are on me. With these ages I consider that a small miracle.

Thanks and love to the Wise family for having me document such a great time period in their lives. My Grandparents had a photo of us grandkids similar to the last one I shared...and it really is one of my favorite shots of me and my cousins. xxoo.

Jeff + Becca

So this wasn't an engagement shoot. This cute duo have been happily married for 7yrs. They just wanted some current photos and I was glad.

Anyone else want to be a redhead after seeing this beauty? The height difference between the two bestowed her with the nickname "wee".

Thank you so much for posing in my make-shift studio and rolling around in leaves for me. There is nothing I would rather be doing the last hours before sunset.

Stephanie + Albert's New York City Wedding

If you know me at all you know my absolute love for Manhattan. I lived there for couple years assisting and shooting..and I don't shoot there as much as I would like nowadays. So when these fine folks asked me to come out to shoot their wedding I think I typed YES before I had even finished reading the email.

I was totally nerding out over the view of the Statue of Liberty while I shot. It was RIGHT there. Also, it should have been freezing cold but wasn't. The groomsmen should have been in black tuxes but they weren't. All happy accidents. Who knows when I will photograph a groom in a red suit again? It's the little things that make me happy.

Thanks to Stephanie and Albert for having me be there. You have started a great family (do you spy their adorable son in the mini tux? He is only a little bit older than Nova. I crushed hard on him all night).

Getting ready shots were taken at the Ritz Carlton Hotel at Battery Park and the Ceremony and Recpetion took place at Battery Gardens.

Milk Party for Nova's 1st Birthday!!

Can you guys believe I have a 1yr old?! Her party was so much fun. I was milk of course it was fun.

I knew being a mom was going to be my first priority so I had to put my "photographer" on the back burner...knowing this I thought it would be a fun idea to set up a 'Milk Moustache Photobooth" and let Nova's friends and family don their own milky faces. We let the guests do all the work.

Here are a few other shots of the party we snagged:

She looks 20.

I made these stickers and had them printed at zazzle. Everyone showed their respect to the Leader of The Milk Eaters by wearing them proudly.

We churned up some homemade ice cream. Vanilla, strawberry, kumquat sorbet and avocado (not shown...still being made). Made most of it the day before with a $30 ice cream machine we bought off amazon. We did think about sneaking some of her favorite "milk" into one of the batches..but didn't want to waste it on the undeserving.

Lots of balloons

Lots of babies

Mom coming in for a mid party smooch...and Nova giving some love to her midwife Molly. We LOVE Molly!

I made BW cookies...that ended up being a little mis-shapen but still delicious. Chocolate chip cookies not shown.

Sugar free cake..but all she wanted to eat was the sprinkles that DID have sugar in them.

This was the cute little face she made when everyone was singing her happy birthday. Gosh, I love her.

She was gifted loads of cute clothes and toys. So loved.

My sweet birthday girl. It was a big day but a great one. In defense of the bags under her eyes...she turned 1 with a cold she had already been dealing with for a week. My poor nu nus. Even when she doesn't feel well, she smiles...and drinks milk.

1 year post coming up. I have been dragging my feet to do it.

I think I am in denial.



Miriam + Matt's After Party

A few more candids and party details... because who doesn't like to look at images of a fun party and wish they had been there?

One of the highlights was a dance Miriam and all her girl friends surprised Matt with on the dance floor. I eat this sort of stuff up. Good good times.

Miriam and Matt THANK YOU! for having me be there. I have a feeling that your life as a married couple is going to pretty much rock.

Wedding reception location: Salt Lake Hardware Building

Wedding coordinated by Events by LMG.


Miriam + Matt's Salt Lake City Wedding

Just the two of them...moments after becoming husband and wife. And me there to document what is sure to become some of their future kids and grandkids favorite images. The weight and responsibility of what my couples ask of me does not go unnoticed. I know how important these photos are. There isn't a wedding I shoot that this thought isn't running through my mind..."These need to last a really long time". I try to create classic, fresh, authentic images...images my brides and grooms will still want to look at 50yrs from now. That is my goal.

Ceremony took place in the Salt Lake Temple.

Dress by: Alta Moda

Flowers by: Sarah Winward

Milk Eater

[vimeo 36064422 w=800 h=450]

We decided to throw our favorite little milk eater a milk party for her 1st birthday. When she was really little I made up this silly song for her and it just stuck. She is officially The Leader of The Milk Eaters.

This is the front of the invite we sent out to friends and family along with this video helping to explain just what a "milk eater" is.

Feel free to watch and let me know if you would like to be a honorary member of the club.

Birthday party photos coming up.


Headshots are a lot of fun to shoot.

I love having a home "studio" with lots of great light to choose from.

Let me know if you are in need of new headshots..I don't think I would mind shooting more. I do live near Hollywood after all.


Happy Valentines Day

I don't care if it's a holiday made up so greeting card companies can make money...I like thinking about love and I like it when love thinks about me.

My Dad had this tradition where he would give my Mom a big bouquet of roses for Valentines day and each of his three girls 3 roses. I loved it so much (I have no idea if he knows that). I just loved being spoiled by "our" man.

We don't have fancy plans but Grant did bring us home these gorgeous flowers and I think all three of us are going out for an early dinner. I still enjoy being spoiled with lovely blooms.

Do you have any Valentines traditions that you look forward to?


The "Easy" Life

My Mom has this quote sitting in front of the kitchen sink. While we were there during the holidays, every time I was cleaning a dish or washing my hands I saw it...and since then this idea has been running circles in my mind.

What if I just acted like everything was easy? Would it be?

I am a huge proponent of the power of thought. It has been one of the only ways I have been able to make it through some of my toughest trials. I do believe you can't always control your circumstance but you can always control your response to it.

The above photo was from our adventure in New Zealand. It was fun...but we were also sleeping/camping out of a vw van. Two of the days we were without heat in the van AND it happened to snow. I did a fair amount of complaining. I was cold, my baby was warm but had to wear every article of clothing and be covered in three blankets, Grant was cold and trying to navigate, I was miserably cold...did I mention I was cold? I don't think my complaining necessarily ruined any part of the trip but I do look back and think..."what if I had acted like everything was easy?". Would I have smiled more and complained less? Instead could I have helped cheer up Grant more and giggle with my baby under her pile of blankets?

For pretty much every situation I face that seems hard, I know it could be a lot worse. Easy isn't always the best word to describe any given moment but perhaps I could make those moments "easier" by choosing a different mind set.

Being a parent has reminded me of this again and again. I can choose for a lot of things to be a burden or hardship OR I can choose to see certain moments as adventures and blessings.

One thing I do know since thinking more about this "easy" idea is the more I think of it, the easier things are becoming.

What does everyone else think? Anyone want to join me in my quest to find more silver linings?

Carol + Ryan's Sydney Australia Wedding

There are days I have as a photographer (and human being) that are just so surreal.

As I was shooting this wedding on the other side of the world...I had a tiny epiphany: The world just isn't that big.

I mean of course it's HUGE but after travelling and connecting with so many different people, in so many different places I am left feeling like this is just one big village. Sure this may sound a little cheesy, but I really don't care. One of the main reasons I am a photographer is because I love going from strangers one minute to friends the next. I can't even fathom how different my life would be if I hadn't been where I have been and met who I have met. I am convinced, by experience, that we all have something we can relate to in someone else. I could go off forever on this subject..but the bottom line is: I love my job.

Carol and Ryan flew me on over to document their wedding day. There was amazing light, pretty pink dresses, a room full of their friends and family and one very happy photographer.

I have to give a huge thanks to Brandon Worcester for assisting me that day. He picked me up from my hotel and 16hrs later, dropped me off. Within 5mins of meeting each other we realized we had a bunch of similar friends in LA. See! This is what I am talking about. SMALL WORLD. Anyway, he was amazing and such a big help. He also happens to be a very talented photographer with a great eye and amazing taste. Check out his work here.

Carol and Ryan, thank you again for having me come out. I wish you a very VERY happy life together.