Brooke + Shahrier's Wedding - Houdini Estate, Los Angeles CA

Color! Color! Color! I was in wedding heaven. You all know I love shooting color and when I walked in and saw Brooke in her stunning lehenga I almost had a heart attack.

What a kind, loving and gracious couple. A small group of family and friends gathered at the Houdini Estate... all adoring fans of Shahrier and Brooke.

Can I also say the dancing was pretty awesome. EVERYONE danced. All the parents, kiddos, friends...and the Bengali music was super fun. I liked being there a whole bunch.

Thanks to the gorgeous bride and groom for inviting me to document such a special day.

Now I just have to figure out an occasion for me to purchase and wear a sari. If you know of one, please invite me.


To view more images from the wedding and order prints go HERE.


(all shot on the canon 5d and contax 645 with portra 800)



Photographed this beauty at Laguna Beach right before sunset.

She lives on Oahu but got married in San Diego last Saturday. I was sad I couldn't shoot the wedding day but was happy I got to capture her a week and in the ocean breeze.

Jess, I hope you and Dewy had an amazing wedding day. xxoo

Danielle + Dave's Wedding- Los Angeles, CA

This is what it looks like when two of your best friends get married.

This is also what it looks like to plan when you get married around the light so your photographer friends has a huge grin on her face. Take note people: If you want to have end of the day light you have to leave time to take photos during the last couple hours of sunlight. (Oh, how I wish more weddings were planned this way!!)

I love Dave and Danielle for a million different reasons (like choosing the best light for me) but one of my favorite reasons is the way the love and adore my daughter. I think you can tell a lot about a person based on how they treat children and these two are going to kill it when it comes to parenting. Nova adores them. And so do Grant and I.

I love how Dave gives me kisses on the cheek and how tight Danielle hugs. I love my big mouth asking if they are dating and this being the end result. I love them getting engaged at our home surrounded by twinkly lights. I love our tapas nights and all the alcohol we don't consume. I love what a big part they have been in our lives for the last couple of years...and will continue to be because we are buying a small island we are all going to live on.

It was an amazing wedding day. I was beyond honored to be there by both of your sides as you became what I always knew you would become, a team. xxoo


(all shot on a contax 645 and canon eos3 w/portra 400 & ilford 3200)



Here is a little sneak peak (that I already shared on instagram. Follow me! _rachelthurston) of a super amazing project I have been working on.

I find that most of my personal projects end up being a challenge..and in turn produce some of the most gratifying images.

Thank you to all the moms and babes that participated.

I'm sure other artists can relate..but I lay in bed most nights and my mind turns with ideas and dreams and concepts and images. Having one of those mind turning ideas come to fruition brings tears to my eyes. Photography means so much to me. I feel so grateful.

(shot on the hasselblad with ilford 3200)


Nova's Home

Today we say goodbye to Nova's home.

We really moved here for her. Any important event worth remembering has to do with her for the most part.

We wanted to find a space that felt right for her to be born in. We wanted to move into a home that we could see ourselves becoming parents in. The home we affectionately called "The Oasis" was just that.

Do I have regrets? Sure. Change makes you think about all the things you wish you could change....but I can tell you with 100% surety I don't have regrets about not photographing our life here enough. I shot a lot. A lot more than I even shared. I do regret not sharing more (if any) videos of her, but I have them so I guess we can do a blast from the past down the road.

Best moment in this home: cradling my baby girl up through the water and into my arms the moment she was born. In our bedroom. In this house. I think we lived here for that moment and that moment alone.

Worth it.

For what this house means to me this post seems trite and impossible to do justice. For that I am sorry. Some things are too big to write or even photograph. Becoming a mom is just one of those things.

On to other homes..and hopefully more babies. xxoo.


(polaroid image taken by our mailbox and house #'s when she was just a few days old)


Bonus Family

Grant's family doesn't have any "step" parents or "in laws"...they have bonus dads and bonus siblings. I really love that.

These are a few shots from the contax and expired film I shot on Easter.

Just felt like giving a HUGE public thanks to Nancy and Hugh for all their help moving this week. Such lifesavers. We love you guys so much.

PS. how rad are Grandma Betty and Grandpa George? Hugh's mom and Nancy's dad...who we get to see at almost all family gatherings. How cool is that? Grandma Betty sang "this lil piggy went to market..." to Novs and she just sat and stared at Grandma with delight.

PSS. I am also loving the "tired dad" shot of Grant. Rubbing his eyes with pickle upside down. It's exhausting being a dad sometimes.

Moving & Travel Plans

We are moving...nowhere.

Really, we are going to be Gypsies for a few months.

It's not going to be that different from every other summer. We are use to being all over the place during our busy work season. The difference is all of our stuff will be in storage.

Here is the schedule so far:

SoCal- June 1-6

Kauai- June 7-14

Maui- June 15-18

SoCal- June 19-30

Between SoCal and Utah for July and August

Bay Area/San Francisco- August 24-25

Big Sur- Sept 6-9


I am sure more stops will be added but this is a good start.

If you are interested in booking me for work in any of these locations (or any other locations) during these dates, please shoot me an email @

We are especially excited to catch up with friends and family in Utah. Summers in Utah are super dreamy. We already have plans to night swim on the rooftop pool at Snowbird, Watch movies in the park, Camp in the mountains, Go on LOTS of dates while Gma and Gpa Thurston babysit!!!

The plan is to be back in Southern California fulltime, living in a home by September-ish.

That is the plan. Now you know. Let's say goodbye to the Oasis and hello to adventure!


15 Months

We are moving out of your house this week.

We are sad.

You were born here and have spent the majority of your days pressed up against the glass windows and running around on the concrete floors.

Every day you seem more and more like a little girl and not a baby...maybe you are trying to tell us you are ready for new things? Ready for the next adventure?

I love these photos of you. You with your beloved iphones, with just a tee on..being comfortable in your space. The house is a mess, the exposure on these shots aren't perfect but they are so US.

You are my everything.

You give kisses and hugs on demand..and sometimes not on demand. You pretty much always want to be hugging or kissing something or someone.

You bring your arm up to your shoulder and make a rocking motion and comfort sounds to indicate a hug. Just how I have always hugged you!!

Your kisses are sometimes like head butts and are either open mouth or little pop blows on our cheeks or legs.

So SO affectionate..and I couldn't be happier that this is part of you.

You like to eat with a fork or spoon and try really hard.

You also like to feed us your food either before it goes in your mouth or after you have chewed it for a bit.

You are always sharing.

You are actually super surprised to be around kids who don't seem to like sharing. You constantly hand toys and books and food to everyone around you.

I love watching you and Winston play with each other. I know there will come a time when you both become more possessive...but for now I enjoy how happy you both are to share each other's toys and sippy cups.

I just caught you two giggling together in your bedroom.

Running and climbing. You can get on top of anything now and testing us by standing on chairs is your favorite.

Still BFing and since you had a cold the last couple weeks it seems like you want to eat with mom non-stop. So I've started walking around with you while you are eating..editing on my computer..packing a box. I even slipped the other day while you were eating and landed right on my butt. You never even unlatched. Amazing persistence.

You sense change..and want to stay close to comfort and familiarity.

You have started running your tongue back and forth across your lips when you are happy, excited or being busy.

Lately you have been trying things my bras around your neck and then checking yourself out in the full length mirror.

You talk a lot and jabber like you are making sentences...but the only words you say for sure are: ball, baby, mama, dada, papa, bye bye, hi, eye.

You also sign: more, all done and milk.

You have an elaborate "sound" vocabulary that tells us pretty much anything you want or need. A refreshing sound when you are thirsty. Clicking noises when you want to listen to music. Bark, meow, moo, quack, monkey noises, birdies sounds (caa)...

I like how you play so well with others and on your own. You will wander around singing to yourself and play pretend.

You feed your babies bottles and food..and try to feed us as well.

I like how you will find little corners and spots and take a sit down and rest. We could be at a cafe outside, walking around our neighborhood. Sometimes a girl needs to rest.

You like to hold things. Always holding something.

Most anytime we need to put a shirt on you or a jacket on you have to trade hands with whatever your holding to put your arm through the sleeve.

You especially like to hold things while you nurse with me. A favorite, besides you pink blanket, has been a huge stuffed bear. It's ridiculous. I can't even see you while you are eating when bear is with us.

When we take you for walks on our block you stop to hug and kiss the gnomes in the yards, sit on all the chairs and benches and blow on the pinwheel.

Since you turned one you have pretty much slept 11-12hrs a night straight. Thank you.

Changing diaper time is not your favorite. We have started singing Old Mcdonald in order to distract you. Works sometimes..but only if we are super animated.

Sometimes life is very dramatic and a girl just needs to throw herself on the floor and roll back and forth crying. A few minutes of that and you always feel better. We just watch wide eyed.

I am sad to take you away from your home. I am sad you won't even remember this home...and it was such a transformative place for all of us.

I will miss you being in all your favorite spots.

I will miss chasing you around the kitchen and through the hallway.

I will miss sitting and staring out our windows as we nursed. I spent hours and HOURS doing this.

I will miss you slamming all the doors shut as you tell us "bye bye!".

I will miss seeing you wave and smile at me from the front door window when I was out in the office.

I will miss the calm and peace this space fills me with.

I know it was the right place to move and birth you and spend your first year.

You are our little pickle and no matter where we live you will always be our little pickle.

I am SO happy I took so many photos in our home and tried to record your first months of life.

I just feel so blessed I get to have you and dad with me. Where I live, you live. That makes me immeasurably happy.




Eva + Aaron's Wedding- Newport Beach, CA

Eva and Aaron were one of those couples that are so laid back and easy to please that I kind of found myself forgetting that I was "on the job". I was just hanging out, taking fun photos and swapping jokes. Not a bad way to spend a sunshiney Saturday.

In case you were wondering they had chocolate ganache cake and cartons of milk to wash it down. AND they had Cafe Rio cater. So awesome.

I also think it's worth noting that Eva and I have a fun connection. Our families were friends when we lived in Alaska. Crazy to be around people that knew you and remember you from the first 5yrs of your life.

Great, great wedding. More coming in the very near future (Shooting a destination wedding in Maui in a couple weeks!!)

The Bender Family

You have seen them on my blog before and you will probably see them photogenic friends.

When they asked if I would fly up to Sacramento and spend the day photographing their family (complete with new baby girl) I said YES.

Since I was there the whole day I had time to do something I hardly every get to do, hold the newborn. I got to hold her on numerous occasions and as long as I liked. It was heaven.

Have you all been to Sacramento? It was my first time and I was really blown away with how pretty it was. So much green and open space and trees and OAK TREES and wild turkeys and rolling hills. The Benders have redwoods in their backyard. Not bad, not bad at all.

They just bought a home and are renovating but hopefully I will have occasion to photograph more details of their space in the future. Julia is a fantastic decorator. She always finds the best treasures. I guess when you are part photographer/graphic designer/treasure are bound to have a cool house.

Loved the day. Thank you for having me. I miss those kiddos already.

12 Months of Nova

My sweet bestie Heather gifted me these photo props when our Nutty was born.

It was no easy task to take these photos ON TOP of the non-photo prop card shoots I was doing with her monthly. Why do I take on so many *extra* projects?

I am glad I did it. This is fun to look at. I missed the yellow blanket on month 4...and they were taken in different spots w different lighting...BUT most of them were taken on the actual day she turn that age. I'm tired just thinking about it.

These photos mean so much to me..especially this week as we pack up and say goodbye to the home Nova was born in and the home we became parents in. I will tell you more of our plans later..but for now just know that there will be more reminiscing and remembering this week as we say our goodbyes.

Moving on will be OK because Grant and Nova are moving on with me. What else really matters? Walls can be replaced, right?

Kris + Brian's Family

One of my very favorite families.

Knew them when there were only two and now there are four!

Kris is my favorite type of person...thoughtful, loyal, honest. We are like two teenagers on the phone..never enough time for all the things we have to say. I feel grateful and fortunate to call her my friend.

Good job on making adorable kids you two. Geesh. I especially like the shot of brother drinking sisters bottle after trying to feed it to her. If she's not going to drink it, I will! xxoo

Jane + Kristine

Alternate blog title: Twins In A Riverbed.

Because that's what I did..I dragged them down to the bottom of the empty river canal near my home. It would have been super creepy expect I smiled a lot and talked about my vibes are the best way to reverse a possible creepster sitution.

How amazing are these two? Sure they are knock outs..but you should meet them. Their insides are even better than their outsides.

I always daydreamed about having an identical twin when I was younger. Somebody that had been with you since the very beginning. The very VERY beginning. There is something so fascinating about the dynamic of two people so similar and yet so drastically different from each other. I think twins are my new photo fetish.

All shot with ilford 3200 film on the true love for the last 12yrs.

Want me to drag you to the bottom of a river canal? Call or email!

The Youngberg Family

This sweet baby girl is only a few months younger than my I can totally relate to this family of three's dynamic.

It's a perfect triangle.

They just bought and remodeled this gorgeous new home and had me come document this stage in their lives on Jane's 1st birthday! How cool is that? I would say this is a pretty amazing birthday gift for Jane. What a treasure these images will be when she is older. Mum and Dad all to herself.

I really REALLY love shooting families being home. Just feels right.

Happy one year Jane! Thank you for all the snuggles and loves while I was there. Made my month.



Being A Mom is my Favorite

Mothers Day 2012 and here is a look at me and my Nova from the last year as shot on my iphone.

Nothing in my life has made me more happy. Nothing.

Happy Mothers Day to all women who are nurturing caring and loving others. And a special shout out to my Mom, my Mother in law and my Grandmothers. I am in awe of all of you.

(A lot of these were posted on my instagram feed. Follow me at @_rachelthurston)

Becca + JR

These engagements are some of my most favorite I have ever shot. That second shot down in the grass?! I'm sorry I just have to pat myself on the back for that one...I love it so much.

I also consider Becca an honorary little I'm loving pretty hard on her right now, too. And just for the record everyone should know JR might be the biggest sweetheart I have ever photographed. He kept making Becca and I walk on the inside of the sidewalk, further from traffic and kept offering to catch us in case we fell while trompsing through the forest. I almost fell just so he would.

So excited for their wedding only a month away!

(All shot up Topanga Canyon on my Contax 645 and Canon eos 3)



Goodman-Bloom Family- Los Angeles, CA

Being invited into someones home to document what "family" means to them, is no small task. It is serious business and I treat it as such.

Watching the light and the interactions and the expressions like a hawk, I circle around my subjects and as those small details come into view, the bigger picture becomes crystal clear...and I shoot.

These sweet little bundles were a joy to spend time with. So happy, so loved. Watched over by dads and grandparents and friends that live for their safety and well being. Spending an afternoon with families like this one make me feel better about living life.

Bigs hugs to all four of you. Thank you so much for allowing me to jump on your bed and kiss your sweet babes.


We are super busy around these parts.

Lots of shooting. Lots of planning. Lots of things I am excited to share with you..once the time is right.

When my life starts to feel like it is spinning faster and faster there is really nothing that centers me more than downtime with Grant and Nova. We will stop everything last minute, pile into the car and head to the beach for the last few minutes of light.

Nova stretches out full body on the sand. Grant insists on carrying every last item..leaving me looking lazy and spoiled. And I squint over their heads into the sun...and for those few minutes everything looks golden.

Try giving your favorite people just 15mins of being together time and tell me if it gives you the same thing it gives me.

Tomorrow I head off for a day trip to Sacramento to photograph a sweet newborn and her family. It will be a long, exhausting, satisfying day. I will be glad I went. And I will be grateful I spend as much time as I can in between work filling up on family time. I can't be a good photographer if I am not first and foremost a good wife and a good mother. If I sacrifice my relationships every other part of my life suffers.

I know blogging has been quiet. But like I said on twitter awhile back...If I am being quiet online you know I am being loud somewhere else.

Balance Balance Balance. What do you do to keep centered and balanced?

Penelope + Her Family

Does anybody spy a 2yr old?.....

This post really is about sweet lil Penny joining this family...but her older brother, with all his squirmming and unpredicitabilty sure did make it hard to look the other way. I shot Houston's newborn photos 2 short years ago and I love how different his shoot was from this one. A sibling changes everything...and these photos are proof.

It isn't just about one anymore, it becomes about everyone. All of the inter-relationships. All of the differences. All of the similarities.

What I can tell you is this little girl is loved. A lot. She is so blessed to have joined these three in their quest to help eachother live their fullest lives possible. Now they all have each other and what is better than having someone?!!! Or multiple "someones"? Nothing. I am here to tell you from expierence...NOTHING.

Grab your "someones" tight and wish Miss P a delightful journey on planet Earth.

Madera Books

I have been a busy little bee designing and laying out books for clients. I think this last month I designed 9 different books! It is so gratifying to print my images, bind them and hand a family heirloom over to eager eyes. Don't discount the importance of printing your photographs. Photographs are something that increase in value over time..until there really isn't a price you could put on them... because they are worth everything to you. All of the weddings and portrait sessions I shoot now include prints or albums. They have to! It's too important.

So, back to the point of this post...I started using a new book binding company for some of my high end bound books, Madera Books. I am so in love with the simplicity and quality of this book. Shown are a 12x12 size book and a 8x8 size book. The books feature a lay-flat page with an itty bitty crease and the printing is flawless.

I am so excited for Ryan and Carol to have this beauty in their hands. I am getting ready to send a big box of albums and prints to them in Australia!!

If anyone is interested in having me create one of these beauts for them, send me an email or give me a call. I would love to help you check that off your list.