acura's "capture the night" event

Last night my favorite production company (wink wink) Vox, hired me to shoot decor and general atmosphere for an event hosted by Gen Art celebrating the release of a new Acura. I like shooting spaces. I get to concentrate on details and lighting, two things I heart.

Stayed tuned tomorrow for images of the event's host, Molly Sims (oooh exciting!!).

center street on main

Headshots are fun to shoot. It's not about the location or the outfit, just the face and perfect light. It's a scavenger hunt for light and only light.

It's the closest I'll ever come to hunting.

Lara you were a star, looked like a star and hopefully with these shots will become a movie star!!! You can keep you heart in LA, but give Lehi a chance. Cows do have some cheese.

Colombia-Bogota Day 1

I flew in yesterday to Bogota for a one week assignment shooting for Southern Cross Humanitarian. After my first flight was delayed an hour flying from LAX to ATL, I had to run, full bags flying, to barely make on my flight to Bogota. I actually had to yell to the gate agent as I turned the corner. So I made it, sweating, but my poor little bag did not and I spent my first day 1/2 in Bogota without a toothbrush...or my headlamp!

My group and I checked into our hotel and headed out to the "Tolerent Zone" around 12:30am. The purpose of our late night venture was for me to photograph minors participating in prostitution (the purpose of Southern Cross is to rescue children off the streets and into homes...).

I have lived in big cities, but have never had reason in the middle of the night to hang out by the brothels. 5 of us jammed into a tiny car and drove the streets. It was too dangerous for me to walk around with my cameras, so my only option was to photograph from the car and twice got out of the car, with the four others close by for protection.

It was a humbling experience and frustrating. This was one time where being invisible would have been perfect. I needed to walk around, talk to people, to really capture what I wanted...but the danger was too great. The feeling on those streets are hard to describe and most would have a hard time hearing the details. So many of children of God not knowing what they were worth, who they are and how great each of their spirits are.

Studio Clean

I've recently shot some stuff for Shade Clothing. Clean, simple basics are their MO. A great company with an amazing team of creatives.

Typically I don't shoot much in the studio as I prefer natural light, but I have really had a good time in the studio these last couple of months. Documentary photographer turned fashion? Maybe a girl can have both.

Sundance, more please.

Here they are..some more.

I have officially spent more nights this past year with Mos Def than with some of my best friends. I hope he doesn't start thinking we're an item or something...and if he does I expect more eye contact when I'm pointing my camera in his face.

Michel Gondry (the director of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Science of Sleep" and "Be Kind Rewind", among others), Jean-Michel Bernard and Mr. Mos Def all performed together highlighting music from their movie. It was pretty amazing. There is something about sitting cross legged on the floor in front of amazing music that makes you want to call everyone you know and freak out the second it's over.

Other performers that night included, The Everyothers and Patti Smith.

See more of my images from that night take a look here.

I also posted some randoms...1 of Danny Glover and another of a sweet sweater worn by a director from one of my screenings.

Enjoy and until next year, adieu.

Sundance, Moondance

I realized looking at the sundance photos I was about to post, they were all dark, all taken at night....not very SUNdancy if you ask me. Why is the film festival called sundance anyhow? I should google that.

In January (which seems like it was 3 years ago) I shot up at sundance for Getty Images. It was...interesting. I shot a lot at screenings and some weird parties, but I did get to work at a couple of cool venues. The images I am posting are from a party that was hosted for the documentary group. If I get around to it I will post some images from a music party I shot there as well.


FAQ About Photo Days.


How much does it cost?

-Each 30min shoot will be $100. this includes time and an 11x14 finished image, a portrait credit of $30, as well as steeply discounted product prices on prints, books, CD’s of images etc..

What are the prices for print, CD and book orders?

-Because you are part of a group photo day you get special discounted pricing! Individual prints will be 20% off my normal prices as well as any book or albums. The biggest discount you get for being a part of a group photo day is on Image Discs. All of the Image Discs are 30% off and the high resolution disc is 50% off!!!!!! On top of all that you get perks for ordering over a certain amount. Here's the breakdown:

-order $100 and receive a complimentary 8x10 print (a $35 value)

-order $300 and receive a complimentary proof set from your session
(a $150 value)

-order $500 and receive a complimentary 7x7-20pg softbound Contemporary Image
Portfolio (a $350 value)

-order $1000 or more and receive a complimentary low resolution Image Disc
(a $500 value)

for a list of the regular pricing click here.

What form of payments do you accept?

-The session fee of $100 will need to be paid by check or cash, but any print, book or CD reorder after you may pay with either Visa or Mastercard, if you prefer.

What equipment do you use?

-Because I prefer to use natural light, I typically use my Canon 5D, numerous lenses, reflectors and a tripod (if needed). Less equipment means I have freedom to move and create a more natural photo shoot.

Can you come do a photo day in my hometown?

-YES! I love to travel and as long as you have at least 5 different groupings interested, plan a date and fly me out!! If you find 10+groupings interested I will fly myself out!

Does it have to be outside, or can I plan a photo day for friends inside my home?

-Definitely. This is a great idea for parties of any kind. Bridal showers, birthdays, holidays, play groups, reading groups, families...the list goes on and on. Whether we plan the day outside or inside it makes no difference.

Please contact me with any questions about photo days or ideas you may have!

Huntington Pier with Kineto

My good friend Damian is one of the owners of Kineto Pictures based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. They produce, write, and shoot a variety of great stuff. While they were out here filming some stuff for a television station I tagged along to shoot some stills and was dragged kicking and screaming into one of the bits they were filming. Kineto Pictures is going to make me a star!!

Erin's Hollywood Soiree-Oct 20

Erin's Hollywood Soiree is code for "Erin's Bat Mitzvah" and code for the most amazing party ever thrown in honor of a 13yr old.

I'm still a little speechless over the whole thing. Red (pink) carpet, 3 photographers, 4 plus videographers, a production company, everyone wearing mics in their ears, limos, black tie dress, Blake Lewis from last seasons American Idol as the performer....WOW. My first experience shooting a Bat Mitzvah will be very hard to top.

I was shooting for Vox Entertainment, who produced the Soiree and I must say did an amazing job. So much fun! They rented out the "Grove of Anaheim" and had a larger than life sized photo of Erin on the front of the building.

Seriously. Out of this world. Erin please invite me to your Sweet 16.

Rilo Kiley Concert-Oct 15

So I really need to work on posting images RIGHT after I take them...otherwise they end up getting pushed farther and farther back behind more recent shoots. So today I am going to post a bunch of images from "way back when".

In no particular order, I start with some images of the Rilo Kiley concert in LA last week. The Bird and The Bee opened with some hypnotic all girl slumber party type songs. I really liked them but there seemed to be an unusual amount of giggling on stage. Rilo Kiley kind of surprised me. I like them OK before the show but seeing them live upped my opinion. Jenny Lewis was so adorable and they played with much more soul than I had anticipated. I can't get "Potions for Foxes" out of my head.

I shot the images for My friend Monti writes reviews for them and occasionally has a press pass that he graciously offers to me. There are few things that can make a girl happier than getting to attend a free concert, with a press pass, while taking pictures in the pit.....its a bonus when it's music you actually like.

That was a good night.