clever creative shoot

at the end of february I had a shoot with the creative design agency, clever creative. their office is located on venice and abbot kinney, so we headed to the streets to get some shots for their soon to be updated website.

the idea of "office shots" can cause a little fear in me as I imagine boring head shots and photos of people sitting behind computers.....but going against the norm, they wanted something "clever and creative" (of course). I was given free reign to shoot exactly how I like.

they were a dream to work with. positive energy oozed out of everyone. I left the shoot thinking seriously about going into graphic design so I could work with them everyday. shannon was professional and laid back , making for the perfect combination of productivity and fun. PLUS when I showed up there was freshly baked homemade bread. what?!

these guys are totally dope.


saturday we took some pretty great shots of purrington. we needed to showcase his long hair before a cut. more of these lates.

just got back from hawaii and have a lot of stuff to edit through and will be doing that in the next day or expecting, more white family, more hawaii, more purrington, more weddings.

johnny flynn show- hotel cafe

another great show shot for indie rock reviews. watching johnny flynn sing makes me feel like I'm watching the younger brother of a best friend perform and am shocked he has sex appeal and I had never noticed before. why does holding a guitar and producing intoxicating vocals do that? I have been and always will be a roadie at heart. I just want to wipe the sweat off of the stage floor.

show was at the hotel cafe in hollywood.

listen to his irish/english/folkie sound here. (fyi: I think my favorite song of his is "sally")

the mailman

I revisited these images this week for a past client. He was commissioned to sculpt both the statues of Karl Malone and John Stockton that live outside the Delta Center in SLC. I took some photos of him working in the final stages of the Malone statue. seriously amazing. it took up his entire front room...and then some. How do you keep your perspective working on something that large? How do you create a head 10 times the size of yours?

see more of is work here.

molly sims

"celebrity" is such a weird concept for me. thursday as I was shooting, I thanked my lucky stars (pun intended) that I don't make my living as a celebrity photographer... paparazzi, event shooters etc...It's just not my cup of tea. I wasn't there to shoot celebrity's, but in one of my non shooting moments I stopped to watch as molly arrived and stopped for photos on the red carpet. hoards of photographers and cameras were flashing and calling her name. "molly, right here", "molly, give us a big smile". I was bugged for her. Although certain obligations come with certain jobs (like molly on the red carpet) I didn't envy her.

I was talking to one of the bouncers from The Republic, the restaurant in west hollywood where the party was, and he was saying that he has met and seen hundreds of celebrity's come in and out of his restaurant. One thing that he has learned is that they deal with all of the same problems we do...self esteem, family issues, money troubles, and fame don't make a person happy. So the bouncer and I, as we were solving all the worlds problems, came to one of my favorite conclusions: happiness is a choice.

So I will choose to be happy with my journey as a photographer, as should the celebrity photographers and the celebrity's themselves.

...and I will remain happy that I am not paparazzi.