We had an early Christmas with Grant's side of the family here in California before flying to Utah Christmas Eve to spend a few days with my side. I didn't shoot a whole lot while we were in SLC...was just enjoying the down time and looking at my daughter with my eyeballs and not through glass. Here are some shots of our favorite leading lady's 1st Christmas:

The loot.

She didn't even hesitate...She knew which pile was hers!

This was her reaction to the wonder of Christmas presents. Priceless. We couldn't have staged it anymore perfect.

Eat that baby!!

Proof she has parents.

Thanks to Grant and Anna for catching some candid moments of me with Nov's. I never get these!! And I really love this one. I am constantly kissing her neck and I think this is our only photo of me doing it.

As children we deemed the "FC" (favorite child) to the person who got the tears from Mom with their Christmas gift to her. This year Anna won with a churchy gift that my mom obviously loved. Anna: FC.

We had Kate and Jake this year, so I whipped up a simple wedding album for them.

Had to bring these from CA...for peppermint joe joe shakes!!

These 2 images are my favorites from Christmas. She was obsessed with the tree and spent hours staring at it and pulling at it. Look at that face. I made that.

...oh, she also liked crawling underneath it. Once she did she was kind of confused on how to get out.

Playing in the dirtiest corners..always.

Love this shot. Thanks to whoever snapped it. She is almost always within an arms reach of me.

Under the tree once last time before bed.

Family photo of us doing what we do at my mom's...chillin hard. Watching some-sort of video on our phone and just enjoying our time off.
We had a great Christmas and we hope you did too. Christmas is different once you are an adult...but then once you have kids the magic is back in full force. I loved buying her presents so much and she would have been happy with one new sippy cup. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled her with a puppy that barks and walker she can push...we also bought her the Shirley Temple movies, which were my favorites from childhood. I hope she loves them too.
Gosh, love my little family so much. xo.