Anna Wolf

I am inspired by her work.

I will shoot more editorial and commercial fashion work this next year...mark my words.

Love the light and tranquility in this video. I love the movement. I want to make short films from my photoshoots....hmmmm...

Anna Wolf for Untitled Magazine from anna wolf on Vimeo.


saw this the other day on design sponge and kind of loved everything about it. all the cool tones w/ the brass owls...LOVE myself some flat filers. there are always great ones at the pasadena rose bowl. I need to pick one up once I have an extra inch of space.

yellow ranunculus

(don't know where I found this photo, just know I can't take credit)

I think my sister should have a bouquet of yellow ranunculus for her wedding. don't you? and I would like to wear one in my hair to match, thank you very much.

I am in glorious portland oregon this weekend to shoot what I'm sure will be an amazing loved filled wedding. I even brought along my favorite assistant, granty pants. so much to post next week, including mandy and brian's wedding that took place in san diego and three arch bay in laguna beach. tons of delicious images.

now I need to go explore portland. any good food recommendations? I'm so sure....I just ate breakfast and I am already planning lunch. I should have married food.

the one and only

this may be a really weird thing to post about, but I was at office max late last night buying some last minute office necessities, and looked for my all time favorite pen. NOT TO BE FOUND. I'm sure I will be able to find them somewhere else, but it really got be thinking....what would my life be like without these?

It has to be medium point bic and NOT the clear ones, WHITE body (is it called a body?...I don't really want to call it a shaft) and must be blue ink. black ink pens make me kind of sad, UNLESS it's a black sharpie, which makes me happy.

I just really love them, and have for years.

oh, and I am also obsessed with canned air. I have four cans of it sitting on my desk at this very moment.

what office supplies can you not live without? I need to know what else to had to my list.


g and I saw this a couple of nights ago. I liked it, I did...but for some reason it also made me feel a little teary. this could be for many reasons one being I am a girl and like to get teary around the same time every month. I talked it out with g after the movie and this a short list of things that watching brought out in me:

  • a deep desire for my nyc
  • furthered my itch to live in europe
  • made me really want to go to culinary school (the french culinary school in ny to be exact)
  • am I living up to my full potential?
  • I make a lot of mistakes
  • nervous that if I wait too long I might never be able to bear children.
  • I would love a WAY nicer kitchen (I think about this daily).
  • do I feed other people enough?
  • what's my storybook ending?
  • am I ok accepting and recognizing my own success without the validation of others?
  • I want to write/compile a book.
  • I'm pretty sure one of my best skills is eating. I am growing in front of your very eyes!
  • there is something about the act of "creating". nothing is more satisfying. whether it be the act of seeing , composing, capturing with my camera or growing, stirring and eating. magic!!!! complete magic. I think if I had a nice garden I could eat out of, meal time would make me cry with happiness. thank you earth. thank you sunshine. thank you for the ability to see and create.

after this post movie rant, g wrapped his arm around me and told me he loved me. then we walked arm in arm back to the little blue house. despite all my never ending questions and earnings for more, I have something I never have to question...and every time his arm wraps around me and he looks at me with those eyes that say, "you're crazy, and I love that crazy", I am reminded.

with g my questions feel safe. how awesome is that?!

the end.


(images by arthur elgort found here)

I'm generally not drawn towards studio or bw images but when I saw these in vogue a while back I was mesmerized.

I really liked how very common wedding poses are made more editorial with great styling. the exaggerated netting and simple makeup is spot on!

love arthur elgorts photography. check out his dance images. you won't regret.


(via paper tissue)

last week when I was sick I watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind...a haunting movie about memory, loss, and ultimately the fight to remember what we never want to forget.

I saw this image and it reminded me of that movie.

this fear is probably one of the reasons I became a photographer. I never want to forget anything...good or bad. I hold on till my hands are bleeding. one of my greatest strengths and weaknesses all wrapped up in one.

I want everything least I can admit it.

shoots raw

how beautiful is this camera?

when I go to the leica website I want every camera. this is a limited edition camera, so I have no idea whether it's even still available...but it got me thinking..

..aren't you suppose to give and receive gifts on the 1st day of summer?

husband, let's start summer right.

(sorry I know a few of my posts lately have been about "things" I need...OK! want. there is just so much goodness I want for my own! I've spent an hour on b&h photo today and amazon filling up my shopping carts. some of the items I really do NEED, I promise.)

thank you's

I wish I could take credit and say that I hand made these... but I think am inspired to try in the future. I saw these on esty and thought they were great...

go here to see reinked and recycled, letter pressed stationary on etsy. what a great idea to use those piles of outdated wedding magazines for thank you cards.

they've been sent (a little late), but we hope everyone knows how thankful we are for all of the wedding love.

oh, and HAPPY JUNE! (finally a summer month).

the spelling bee

(photo via here)

last night we watched the national spelling bee. I'm totally dumbfounded the whole time because I'm a horrible speller...well not horrible, but extremely lazy. I will call to grant in the other room for help spelling "bread" if I'm too lazy to think about it.

these kids were so entertaining. especially this little guy, kyle mou from peoria, illinois. he didn't win but they had a little interview with him and he said something to the effect, "I don't really like spelling that much, but I like competing on this stage, because it's hard". he also said his favorite word was "laid back"...but then realized it was two words. adorable.