Sticky Rice

For 14 years my Thurston Grandparents lived in La Jolla California. I loved as a young girl flying to stay with them, playing on the beach, shopping at the NEX and watching Elvis movies. One of my favorite memories was my Grandma making sticky rice for us to take on our flight home. She would soak the rice and pull out her sticky rice basket and the finished product would be wrapped in tinfoil for us to nibble on while traveling.

I have wanted to buy myself the setup for awhile now and every time I ate mango with sweet sticky rice was reminded of that fact.

As one of Grant's birthday presents, I bought "him" the magic maker:

I bought the kit from Import Foods...complete with a cheesecloth and a bag of Thai sweet rice.

Here is the recipe I pulled from the site:

Method: Rinse rice 2-3 times, until water runs clear.Place rinsed rice in a bowl and fill with cool water so the water is approximately 2-3 inches above the rice (see Step 1). Let the rice stand in water for 6-8 hours. Drain the rice, place it in a cheesecloth, wrap it up and put the cheesecloth inside bamboo steamer. Put 6-8 cups of water in sticky rice steamer. Then place bamboo steamer inside sticky rice steamer (see step 2). Be sure the bottom of the bamboo steamer does not touch the boiling water. Place a standard 8 inch lid loosely over the top of the bamboo steamer (see Step 3). Now turn on the heat (Med/High) and steam the rice for 45 minutes (or until tender). Enjoy!

It works and it's delicious. I might just have to plan a mango and sticky rice night and invite everyone over.


In the spirit of all things Olympic I decided to post my Olympic look-a-like...Oksana Baiul.

When she won the Gold medal I was in middle school and EVERYBODY was calling me Oksana. People were bringing me magazine cutouts, writing me notes about it and calling me from their long cord landlines.

I met Oskana's coach, who is now Johnny Weir's coach, in Vancouver and she didn't think we looked every much a like, "except maybe in your noses".

So try to imagine me 15lbs lighter and 14. Do you see it?


Happy birthday to my handsome man. You don't look a day over 18 and apparently have the worlds healthiest heart.

Here's to a year of not waiting, taking risks and ordering lots of desserts so I can have bites.

What would my world be like without you? Crummy. With you is so much better. Can't wait for our weekend road trip. As part of your gift I promise not to get car sick (or at least act like I'm not).

The Seattle Giveaway Winner Is...

Caroline Duke!!!!! Check out her amazing blog at for all sorts of things you will want to spend money on.

Thanks again to everyone that participated in this giveaway. It helped generate a lot of new readers to my sites which is exactly what I hoped would happen.

I had so much fun doing this that I know there will be more giveaways to come. You readers just deserve it.

Congratulations again to Caroline. I guess it sometimes pays to be "greedy". Caroline email me and we will hash out the details. xo.

Kate + Jake

Happy marriage to my sister Kate and my dashing new brother, Jake.

I am in love with them.

I am in love her laugh.

Editing through these images, I was so happy for them it was hard for tears not to well up every time I saw her huge open mouth.

See that really tall dad in the family photo? That tall Dad was missing at my wedding. See our other sister? Nope you don't. She was missing at this one. Can't we go back about 15yrs to when we were all living together and avoiding dishes under the counter? Please?

(Remember tonight at midnight is the cut off to enter the Seattle giveaway. I will be announcing the winner tomorrow morning. I'm secretly hoping everyone wins.)


Giveaway madness! I had no idea when I posted about the Seattle gift, the response it would have. Seattle is amazing, why would I question that everyone would think the same? Also since I have never tried to give anything away on the blog before I just didn't know what to expect....I have been overwhelmed with the support. The bribe worked!! My business is ALL word of mouth. I guess the only "advertising" I have besides word of mouth is this blog. That being said, you, reading this, are the reason I am successful at all. I know that. This has just reminded me.

I have been in part agony reading all of your comments because you are all so deserving! I suggested to Grant that we sell the cars and all the clothes and the trampoline and just send hundreds of people to Seattle. You have no idea how bad I wish I had the resources to actually make that happen. Luckily I won't make the desicion, a random number picker thingy can do the hard stuff. But to all you babymooners, honeymooners, lovers of great fish and tall trees, friends and first timers, people who just want/need a vacation, those who want to win so they can give it to SOMEONE ELSE...someone else who they miss, love and want to all of you, I hear you and love you for giving me so many heartfelt reasons for wanting to jet to the Northwest. Thank you for making my weekend a truly great one....and I hope to return the favor on Wednesday for one lovely person.

Enough talk! More action!

When I was in Las Vegas last week I took a visit to the Neon Graveyard. If you like COLOR, broken down everything, typography, design and the history of it all, I highly recommend going. This would make and excellent location for a commercial shoot. Anthropologie magazine maybe? Anthro, I'm not busy if you're not...

(wouldn't these make great screen savers?)

Seattle Vacation Giveaway

I know this may be coming on a little strong for my first giveaway, but honestly I wanted to give something I would want to have...and there is nothing I crave more than little side trips to beautiful places with amazing food. For that reason I decided I want to give away a weekend vacation to Seattle, Washington.

The giveaway winner will receive:

$400 to be used towards flights/rental car

A $300 gift card for one of the following hotels:

Hotel 1000

Ace Hotel

Inn @ Harbor Steps

(all great locations and close to Pikes Place and the water)

$75 gift certificate to Elliots Oyster House (our favorite waterfront restaurant..we dream of alder plank salmon)

The total giveaway value is almost $800.

Here is how you enter: Obviously I am doing this to drive the new and the old to the blog and shiny new website. To be eligible to win you must spread the word of this giveaway and/or my blog or website ( and then leave a comment on this post telling me how you shared. You can spread the word through blogs, twitter, facebook or any other creative means you may have.

Here's another hitch, there has to be at least 100 comments for the giveaway to be valid. So spread the word!

Posts can be made until Wednesday, February 3rd at Midnight PST.

I honestly love Seattle. There are trees everywhere and the air is fresh and the food is ...well to die for.  Seattle reminds me so much of the motherland, Alaska. If you've been you understand my love and if you haven't been, it's time.

I have a million other suggestions for what to do, eat and see. So when the winner, wins, I will email you info and suggestions. I only ask one thing of my precious Seattle giveaway winner, you must take photographs of your stay and let me share them on the blog.

This is so exciting. Good luck!

(ps. immediate family not eligible. Sorry dudes. It would just be weird if my sister won.)

I feel like I have been crying wolf forever talking about this supposed new it's really done! Believe me when I say this was a labor of love. SO much work and SO much appreciation to my amazing designer and programmer for all of their skill and patience. The biggest thanks of all goes to Grant. He was my sounding board and my opinion when I couldn't bear to have anymore.

I love it. I hope you do too.

(Check back tomorrow for my first giveaway! It's going to blow your minds. I wish I could enter it myself.)

Weekend Rain

For those of you who may not catch my tweets, I wanted to post this rainy shot I got on my iphone. We were driving to Las Vegas Wednesday morning and the rain was all around. It was nice to wake up to sunshine this morning.

(I'm waiting on the word from others before I can have the website go live. You know how it takes a village to raise a photographer? I have a pretty fantastic village helping to keep me a float. Word on the street is Wednesday LAUNCH! You're going to love it. I hope.)

Sweet Baby Gavin

Read what Amorology has to say here.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Today I cried for Natalie, for Richie, for Gavin, for his brothers, for anyone who has lost a child or has come close to losing a child....or for anyone who has ever.."lost" period. For the time spent waiting. Waiting till we can all be with the ones we want to be with.

Sweet baby Gavin. How long will the wait be?

This Week

I'm a little off my usual Monday through Friday blogging...but with good reason.

I am minutes, seconds..OK days, from finishing my new website. I can't wait to share it with you!! It is pretty and shiny and new. I think you'll love it as much as me. I have a team working with me on it and they are waiting on me to send over the finalized images. Past clients, I have been staring at your beautiful faces for the last 2 weeks and I am ready to not look at them again for awhile.(don't be's not you, it's the computer and files and resizing and choosing and editing down!!!! pure exhaustion..but worth it). Hopefully in a few days I can reveal the end product and enjoy it for a few months before it's time to update. I will actually be unveiling 2 new sites and a new blog! Stay tuned.

Also, I have been waiting and waiting to tell you some other great news...Real Simple Magazine contacted me a couple months ago about the possibility of showcasing one of my weddings in their upcoming wedding issue. I happily submitted some images and they will be printed in their 2010 wedding issue hitting the shelves this Friday (I think). I will positively post more about this once I have it in my hands.

Thank you Real Simple for considering my work. I love your magazine!!

2010 has had a nice start and with more exciting jobs coming up it looks like it's going to be a good year.

Kate & Jake Get Married

Here are a couple shots of the big day..

It was an interesting challenge to be the big sister AND the photographer. I think we found a balance....I just loved being around for every moment. Grant and I loved all of the time we got to have with just the two of you on such a memorable day. One of the best parts was de-thawing ourselves in the car on the way to the dinner. You two were champs in the cold.

More wedding story to come. xo.


How was everyone's Christmas? Ours was eventful with all of the family together and then Kate's wedding on the 26th. Busy, busy.

As part Christmas gift and part wedding gift to my sisters I had these bracelets made for us. Since Anna had to miss the wedding since she is in the MTC we wanted to have something we could all wear on the wedding day to connect us. Mine read "1 of 3", Kate's, "2 of 3" and Ann's, "3 of 3". I love them SO much (my sisters and the bracelets).

I found the amazing Wire Lady on Etsy. Go here to order your own custom wire twisted jewelry!

For Unto Us...

I was involved in a project for my church that involved photographing a modern day take on the nativity. Click on the images to view them larger and hopefully large enough to be able to read the beautiful words inspired by the night of the Saviors birth.

Emily did a great job pulling the whole thing off and J. Arthur Purrington created the layout and design of the booklet. Thanks for both of them for making my job so easy.

So my dear bloggers this is my Christmas gift to you until the 28th. I take off to Texas today to be with my family and watch my sister be married on the 26th. For Christmas this year I am gaining a brother in law.

What an amazing year it's been. My business has blessed me in so many ways this year as well as the decision to live with a boy....permanently.

So now it's time to snuggle, sip hot cocoa and watch "It's a Wonderful Life"...we need to enjoy it while we can. The holiday hang over starts on Jan 2. xo.

Fresh Balsam

This season we bought a Noble pine tree but it never hurts to have a little extra piny help. Bath and Body Works has the BEST smelling "Fresh Balsam" scent. We have this candle and the antibacterial soap in our bathroom. I feel like I live in a Christmas forest.

Have a great weekend loves. What are your weekend before Christmas plans? I have a fun 60's photo shoot this morning and maybe going to Disneyland tonight. Early family Christmas party on Saturday and then teaching a lesson on Sunday on the TRUE reason we celebrate Christmas....then maybe a Sunday afternoon nap? xo.

Kauai- Part 3- Where to Stay

The north shore of Kauai is my location of choice, preferably in the Princeville community. I have stayed in many different condos/apartments/villas within the community but my favorite development by far as been the Villas of Kamalii. The one I found for Grant and I was my favorite unit within the villas. It Is unit #51 which the owners lovingly call "The Rainbow Connection" and once you check out the views from the lanai, you'll know why.

Coming from our humble 520 square feet abode, it really felt gigantic. The kitchen was beautiful and clean and equipped with a vita mix blender! There were two huge flat screen TV's, 30 second walk to the pool, hot tub and grill and the most amazing viewing from the lanai. Seriously we just sat out there and stared.

I am totally plugging this place, because if you ever need a place to stay on the north shore Adria and Louanne were great to work with and their villa beautiful.

You can find more information on renting this unit here.

Kauai- Part 2- How To Have Fun

1. Visit the Kiluea Lighthouse

2. Jump off sand cliffs

3. Watch the sunset at Ke'e beach, rain or shine.

4. Go kayaking and see what the humidity can do to your hair.

5. Gnaw on your lovers shoulder till he says ouch.
6. Stop off for another round of Banana Joe's.
7. Take photos of sun rays or rainbows from the Hanalei look out.
8. Take a horseback ride where you end at a swimming hole and waterfall and eat a picnic lunch with a rooster.

9. Go watch the sunset or look at the view of the Napalei coastline from the deck of the old Princeville Hotel (now St. Regis). (If you are already sick of sunset photos cover your eyes).

10. Leave your beloved north shore and spend your last few days at the Hyatt in Poipu. Swim in the pools, order drinks poolside and get your own private cabana with an ocean view. Act like the royalty you are.

11. Kick and scream as they drag you on your red eye flight home. Be a little bit mad at Kauai for being so perfect. Make up the next time you are reunited.

The End.

Holiday Feast

I know I haven't been posting about the holidays much. I feel bad about that. I've just been playing catch up with the blog BUT I have been enjoying the month of December and wanted to prove it...

Last night we had some friends over for a holiday feast and white elephant exchange.
For Bunker's white elephant he gave a book with his photo on the cover. It was amazing...and so was the two tampons in the toothbrush holder and the wanted photo of Tiffany. Really good stuff.

Jared' gift was a portrait drawing on the spot. Ronin won and posed on the bed.
Everyone was fascinated by the lone baby at the mostly "singles" party and we all gathered in our room to watch Ronin and Jared in action. Our room is super tiny, but when 15+ people file in for some reason is seemed a bit more spacious.
I have to apologize for the lame/non existent photos of the party. I was busy being host and have to admit was enjoying catching up with friends too much to worry about my camera.

Thanks to everyone for coming and pitching in delicious food. Our friends are the coolest and the best looking.