Time To Vote

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image 5

(Niece Julia & nephew Jake. Sacramento is too far away.)

I already got a lot of great feed back from my previous posts but I thought I would get the final say in one place.

I am not promising that I will use the image size that gets the most votes, but I still want to know the general opinion. It matters. I don't want to have annoying images that scream at you...AND I want it to be a friendly size based on how you view them.

Voting ends Friday 6pm PST

Which size image would you prefer to see on my blog?
image 1- 900px
image 2- 850px
image 3- 800px
image 4- 750px
image 5- 700px
pollcode.com free polls

The Wiz Of Oz

I know I have talked on this blog before of my obsession with my nieces and nephews, but have I really ever talked about my obsession with their mom? Now is the time.

Stephanie is my sister in law...but can we just cut the "in law" part and call her what she is.. MY SISTER. She is my sister. From the first time we met and my brother warned her that my opinion mattered, we were sisters. We clicked. Immediately. I can't tell you a time since we first met that I have ever felt uncomfortable around her. I haven't. It's impossible. She is one of the most affable, disarming and likable people. And although she has every reason to make you feel inferior, like her 4 amazingly stunning children she made from scratch, her looks, HER LOOKS, her social skills, her sex appeal...OK now I'm just getting creepy...She NEVER makes you feel any less than her. In fact, when you are around her, you actually feel better about yourself. She makes me feel important..and the ability to make others feels important and loved is an indispensable gift.

I recently had the great pleasure of stalking her on stage as she commanded an audience with her performance as Dorthy. She and my nieces have been performing with Broadway Bound, a great, local theater company based in Orange County. Michael, the Creative Director is amazingly talented. You can tell  that everyone  REALLY likes working with him.

This is a sampling of some last minute photos I snapped for the cast. Excuse the abundance of Stephanie....but..well..she shined.

If you were part of this cast contact Michael for information on where to view all of the images and how to buy a CD.

I love you Steph. You knocked my socks off. You always do.

(And congratulations to the entire cast. Your hard work paid off. The show was fantastic!)

(Geek Facts: No tripod was used. I rarely use a tripod unless I want to do a fairly long exposure...1sec or more. Everything was hand held and stage shots were all done with my 70-200 f2.8 lens. I was sitting middle back of the auditorium and was able to still get that close! Amazing right? I love that lens. When you shoot concerts or performances I know the reaction is to bump up your ISO but I wouldn't. I never shoot above a 400iso in those conditions..otherwise it just gets really contrasty and brassy looking and your highlights will be blown out. I try and shoot as wide open as possible so I can use as high of a shutter speed as possible. most stage shots were between f2.8 - 3.5 and shutter speed fluctuated between a 1/40 and 1/125 depending on the light. Everything was exposed manually. I did bounce some flash on some of the backstage shots but NO flash on stage shots. It would do no good since I was so far away.)

The Intangible

My headphones were on and I was flipping back and forth between the food network and HDTV on the mini screen inches from my face. At this point I had been in airports and planes for 19+hrs in a matter of a few days. It had been a great and hectic few days. Highlights included traveling to two states and cities I had never been too. Shooting two very different and equally amazing weddings. Laying in the sun staring at the wind blown leaves in the Boston Common. Seeing my first ever firefly (even if it was only for a fraction of a second). Sleeping in a big bed all to myself. Meeting lots of new, interesting and kind people....and shopping for soda crackers and lemon lime gatoraide at the Piggly Wiggly.

But despite all the greatness that those few days held,  there were some complications that were not very fun. Food poisoning for one. No thanks to that ever happening again. Not traveling with an assistant...which made the possibility of sickness that much worse. On top of the night long throw-up party, I was battling a week long cold and had a head full of unmentionables...and just when I thought the physical aliments couldn't get worse, my body decided to remind me I was a girl. ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Can't eat, cramps and a nose full of snot. Great. "Hi, I'm Rachel, your photographer".  Luckily I survived and more than survived...magically was blessed by the adrenaline Gods and rocked out two weddings.

Thoughts of my whirlwind adventure played in my mind as I sat on yet another delayed flight. Just when I thought the weekend couldn't get weirder, the aging gentleman sitting in front and across the aisle from me picked his nose and wiped the contents on the leather seat back in front him. Yep. In plain few for me the see for the next 5hrs.

Can I just go home now?!

It was Mother's Day, I wasn't with my mom and now had to watch this dude's every move so I didn't accidentally retouch any surface he had come close to.

Just then out of the corner of my eye I saw some commotion. A flight attendant ran down the aisle, a few others jumped up and I slipped off my headphones in time to hear as well as see two men rip the bathroom door off and catch a man falling to the floor. There was screaming and more running and and then flight attendants and passengers alike were yelling for doctors, any doctors.

My thoughts changed. My mood changed. What matter changed.

In an instant I was no longer worried about how annoying it was that I had to watch the airplane TV in real time. I was chocking back tears and praying that the man would survive.

This caused me to reflect.  Moments before we could have for the most part cared less about the people around us. Most of us were probably thinking about ourselves, our issues, our injustices......and in an instant we were unified in one sole purpose...survival. We all wanted to do anything and everything to save this human life. We were thinking about others, and because of that became closer to the strangers next to us. This isn't the first time tragedy has caused me to notice the same shift of behaviors and actions...and every time it feels like a revelation.

Hours before this flight, I had just finished reading Corrie Ten Boom's story, which is all about human spirit, togetherness and seeing outside of yourself. I can't believe some people are so good?! So focused on others.  It filled me with the love, hope and courage of mankind. It reminded me that nothing matters more than service. It reminded me that nothing matters more than people. Nothing.

The reason I'm sharing all of this, is that it reminded me of one of the reasons I love photography so much,


Watching  how they'll react, why they make the decisions they make and that ever so slight moment when they feel so much it pours out of their eyes. The challenge of trying to work above just the technical issues of lighting and framing and color and instead try and see something more. Something that runs deeper than the facade of closeness...but instead is closeness. I want to show human spirit and those moments were we stop thinking of ourselves and instead focus on the bigger picture. I want to photograph the bathroom door being torn off and the woman holding the mans head between her knees for landing. I want see stiff physical barriers be broken down and affection and togetherness shine.  I want to see what it takes to survive and who it takes to survive. I want to see the intangible and try and share it.

This is a challenge I give myself and any other documentary photographers out there. To me it's what matters.

We had to make an emergency landing and tack on an extra 4hrs of travel time...and although I have no idea what happened to this man, I want to thank him. I want to thank him for reminding me that none of us are really strangers.

The Cottages of Napa Valley

Images 800px wide

We loved our stay here! Individual little cottages with fluffy kind size beds, heated bathroom floors, huge tubs, kitchens AND fire pits for s'more making. Since we were celebrating our 1 yr mark we had to make s'mores in honor of the awesome marshmellow melting bonfire at our reception.

They also had bikes you can rent and DVD's for moodie time... AND Bouchon Bakery dropped breakfast in the morning on the doorstep.

Grant also had them surprise me with delicious cheeses, grape juice and a huge bouquet of flowers in our room for when we arrived. Good job husband.

I can't wait to stay here again and again.

The French Laundry

While eating this meal the afternoon of our 1st anniversary, we both wondered aloud whether this was better than our actual wedding day....

I won't bore you with every detail of our experience at French Laundry (since I already bombarded you with image overload).....but know this....we had no regrets. It lived up to all the hype.

The service was amazing and we pretty much ate in a private room, next to a huge window overlooking their gardens and vineyards for most of our meal.

They do drink pairings with every course and we requested non-alcoholic, non-carbonated drinks so they just whipped up some amazing juices on the spot for us:

- Juniper Lime Juice - Green Apple, Ginger & Lime Juice - Orange, Vanilla Bean w Cream Juice - Homemade Ice cream Root Beer Float

These drinks were so good...they might have been our favorite part.

We were served about 13 courses and ate for a mere 4 hours. (You can right click on the menu to read every course.)

I can't stop smiling when I think about it. I was in foodie heaven.

Color Me Katie

http://www.babelgum.com/embed/3020170 I am a little bit in love with her.

This video made me so happy and inspired. I love making connections with strangers..helping you realize you aren't strangers at all.

I think Katie has inspired me to continue my "strangers on airplanes" portraits (seen here and here). These are the types of interactions with photography that I truly love.

Here's to a weekend of chance encounters and creative ideas.


We are off on our European adventure with a new friend...A Canon 310XL super 8 camera. Grant found this baby and we are excited to test our skills at movie making.

I have pre- blogged and maybe if I'm lucky I'll find time to share some stuff while we are on the road. xo.

Featured on Design Sponge!

I am so honored to have our humble home featured on one of my favorite sites, Design Sponge.

For years I have been bookmarking inspiration I find on their site and in their sneak peak section of artists homes...and somehow our chicken wire found a way in.

Thanks to Amy and the whole Design Sponge team for supporting my photography and for asking the little blue house to grace your royal web space.

Read the article and see more photos here.

What a great start to my week!

JR Organics

Grant and I picked up our first box of food after joining a CSA farming program finally. We have been waiting to join for years now and are kicking ourselves for waiting so long. These items taste amazingly good. This photo doesn't even show everything we got in one box.

I'm sure I will be talking more about this in the future because I have formed fairly strong opinions about factory farms vs. family farms over the past few years.

We decided it was time for us to make a consicious change in how we eat and what we support...and I am here to tell you, it feels SO good.

(photo shoot of my fruit and veggies inspired by this design sponge post. Thanks design sponge, LOVE YOU.)

Shoot, Europe.

I swear with how excited I am about this upcoming trip you would think I'd never been out of the country before. I couldn't even concentrate in church today because I was busy trying to decide what shoes to pack.

Although it is a trip planned for leisure, I'm never opposed to a photoshoot here or there. So if any of my friends in the countries I will be visiting are interested in booking me,

I will be there from April 7-20...

starting in Paris and venturing on to Salzburg, Frankfurt, Brussels (and surrounding areas of each) and ending in Amsterdam.

I am available for model tests, commercial work for stores...cafes/restaurants, lifestyle shoots with families, couples or any other ideas you think might be great.

Email me at rachel@rachelthurston.com if you are interested in more details.

Hope Springs Resort

The two days we spent here in January, were some of the most relaxing days of my life. No phones. No TVs. No people. Just me, my man and some mineral pools.

All of these images are strait out of the camera (I cropped the last one slightly). Shot on my Hasselblad 501cm, 80 mm lens with Ilford 3200 Pro film. LOVE this film.

Thinking of starting a darkroom group once a month. When that happens these might be some of the first images I print.

One Year

(photo credit Jon)

We've been married for 365 days and I still get excited when I see your shoes laying around the house. I love the little domestic reminders that you're mine.

I still am trying to wrap my head around how much you love me..."Why? Why me?".

I am still trying to wrap my heart around the idea that I never have to lose you, or say goodbye, or try and get "over you".

I'm still trying to figure out a way to be exactly what you need me to be....but I have a few years to perfect that, right?

The one thing that makes perfect sense to me is being with you.

One down, lots more to go. Buckle your seat belt baby. Practice year is over...time to play full out.
