we are thrilled, giddy, excited, grateful and CRAZY about each other...so if some of the pictures shown below look a little "smoochy smoochy", get over it! we're in love and don't care who knows it!!
It happened last night, under a full moon, at the griffith observatory. we came equipped with mexican hot cocoa, expecting a chill, but the strangely the weather was super warm. I love the observatory and the setting was more than perfect. we looked at the stars and the city lights and like always, took some pictures of us gazing at the stars and being generally awesome and then before I knew it he was down on one knee, a ring was on my finger and I was shouting YES!

then we made the obvious choice...back to my place to rock it out on the tramp.

there are a lot of "deep throat" pictures, due to our out of control state and a lot of "deep throat" kissing due to our out of control state (sorry mom).

looks like the stars are aligning. maybe there are happy endings...