may 22


dearest mother
(grant and I just brought her breakfast in bed... sweet vanilla bean crepes with raspberries, peaches and fresh whipped cream along with some lemon and sugar ones and fresh squeezed oj. yumsters. we love being here with her and my dad. my plan is to spoil her rotten today. she deserves it.)

care bear
(one my by bestest friends. beautiful, artistic, incredible baker and so loyal and devoted. plus she loves impromptu hip-hop dance parties. I love you care!)

mark diddy
(grants brother in law, who passed away about a month before our wedding. you are happy, easy going and always up for a laugh! we miss you and can't wait to see you again.)


melissa thornton
(one of g's good friends who has become one of my friends who we love being friendly with! her married last name escapes me, but her and her husband are adorable and they have an adorable baby on the way.)

happy birthday awesome people in my life!